You would agree that the National Weather Service is a reliable source. Just as you would imagine, it believes that the tropical storm winds can cause great damage to the roofs of your homes. To make matters worse, it’s that same time of the year again when those winds and that really harsh “willy-willy” can do unprecedented damage.
Roofs bear a great part of the storm brunt and there are as many as three tell-tale signs of damage you roofs give even from the ground level.
Sign 1# Shingle deterioration
Your shingles will invariably hold the clue to roof damage. From the ground itself, you can survey your roof shingles (preferably through a binocular) and look for a curve, detachment or looseness in them.
If you find that the eavestrough and skylights are damaged in addition, these are signs of damage you cannot ignore. Worse still, the situation might warrant a full-fledged renovation.
Sign 2# Granules spread on the curb area
You know how asphalt shingles and their granules go hand in hand. Granules shaken off from the shingles can be found in downspouts and your curb area. Spread on ground, they lay a clear picture of your damaged roof in front of you.
Sign 3# Water penetration
Your ceiling itself will allow you a perspective. Peeled off wallpapers, water marks, and hazy or blotchy surface paint are all signs of water leaking through your roof. It won’t take you long to fathom the extent of damage through these signs.
Good news or perhaps the only silver lining amidst the ruin is the fact that storm damage evaluation companies do not charge you for a visit. If you have stuck to wisdom, you might even have an all-encompassing roof damage insurance claim to tide over the crisis.
To what extent has storm ever ravaged your roof?